'What We Call Love' - The new video is out now: https://youtu.be/CxrmDtIMh0A
The words refer both to the straightforward meaning of the title, and the many disinformation campaigns that subject us daily to Orwellian doublespeak. So when the Russians say for example that the only thing they feel for the Ukrainians is love because they are brothers, the words come with a huge dollop of unintended irony as the Ukrainians and everyone else would beg to disagree. “What We Call Love” started life as a repetitive riff on a small string section. I wasn't sure how the track was going to work but sometimes it’s better to start from a place other than the norm. It’s insistent musically and the musical repetition suits the lyrical meaning.
Listen to / Download 'What We Call Love' taken from our latest album ’Tree.shadow.piano’ out now http://li.sten.to/mgwtsp